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Who we work with at Melbourne City Mission

MCM Youth Foyers: A pathway out of disadvantage

After a disrupted childhood and having no self-worth, it’s amazing to watch the transformation from a confused teen to a confident young adult. It takes time and a lot of work, but that is the same with many young people – they need guidance, but more importantly, they need someone to believe in them. 

Mark, Manager, MCM Foyers

A bedroom featuring a bed, sofa, tv and desk set up
A group of young teenagers sit around a kitchen table eating and participating in arts and crafts activities

MCM’s Youth Foyers provide up to 3 years of accommodation for young people over 16 who have experienced homelessness. They receive support from a dedicated youth development coach to access education, training and employment opportunities and work towards independent living skills. Donations can assist with essential items for a young person leaving the Foyer and setting up their first ‘home’.

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