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17 year old male wearing black tee and blue jeans sitting on a park bench

Give hope this winter

Donate to help young Victorians who face this winter without a home.

Thank you for supporting MCM and our vital work in the community and helping us give more than a warm bed this winter. Together, we're helping provide a future of possibilities for young people experiencing homelessness each night in Victoria.


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When young people are in despair, they can make desperate choices.

17 year old male wearing black tee standing on the path in a suburban shopping strip

Meet Ryan, a young man who was living rough on the streets of Melbourne. His story reflects the harsh reality for many young people facing homelessness. With your generous donations, MCM can provide vital services, from immediate aid to long-term solutions. Together, we can transform lives and create a future for those in need. Join us this winter; give more than just a warm bed; give a future of possibilities.


Our promise to you

MCM is dedicated to reducing disadvantage and empowering people to live their life their own way. Our innovative way of delivering support puts people at the centre of everything we do.

Read more in our Annual Reports & Strategic Plan

It is with your loyal support, that we can do the vital work that we do. That’s why we promise to uphold the highest ethical standards - at every turn - to reward your trust.

FIA organisational member. MCM is a registered charity. Include a charity. Help the work live on.


Where your money goes

Where your money goesFor every $1 you donate,
72c goes directly to our programs.


1300 364 507

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