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  • We provide safe and supportive short and long-term accommodation options.
  • We assist young people aged 16 to 24 years old throughout Melbourne.
  • Accommodation is combined with individual support to get young people back on track.

Everyone deserves a safe place to sleep

MCM provides a range of supportive accommodation options to young people who are at risk of, or currently experiencing homelessness.

Our stable and secure accommodation is combined with expert support, giving young people the opportunity to work towards goals in a safe environment.

We incorporate education, training and employment opportunities with the objective of diverting a young person away from long-term homelessness.

Accommodation options we provide include youth refuges for short-term needs, youth foyers for longer term housing as well as out-of-home care options.

Youth refuges

MCM provides crisis accommodation that supports people aged 16 to 25 in the CBD and the western and northern suburbs of Melbourne.

MCM’s five youth refuges provide emergency accommodation where young people can stay for around 6 to 8 weeks.

During their stay, young people are provided with mental health and case management support and assistance to find stable accommodation.

One of our refuges specifically caters to young women and their children.

Our refuges also offer post accommodation assistance to help young people to transition back into their local community.

More than accommodation, a range of trauma-informed services are also provided, such as:

  • family mediation and reconciliation
  • employment support
  • education and training
  • legal assistance
  • mental and primary health services

MCM’s Youth Refuges are:

  • Iramoo Youth Refuge
  • Stopover Youth Refuge
  • Vicky’s Place
  • Western Region Accommodation Program (WRAP)
  • West Refuge

A referral is needed from a homelessness access point in order to stay at a refuge.

For further information on referrals and access points, please contact Melbourne Youth Support Service on 03 9614 3688.

Youth Foyers

MCM’s Youth Foyer programs provide longer-term accommodation for young people aged 16 to 25 at risk of, or experiencing homelessness at the time of their referral.

Young people receive support from a dedicated case worker and medium-term accommodation for up to 3 years, with additional assistance 6 months post-foyer. This assists our residents to access education, training and employment.

Residents also work towards independent living skills and relationship goals and are an active part of the Youth Foyer community through participating in workshops and group programs.

MCM has Youth Foyer programs in 3 locations within 3km of the Melbourne CBD. These locations are known as The Precinct, Hoddle Street and Lion Garden.

An outreach case management program also operates in Wyndham as part of the H3 Wyndham Alliance

The program focuses on providing support to young people who are currently experiencing, or at risk of homelessness to obtain stable accommodation and engage in education, employment and training pathways.

Foyer accommodation is currently in development for this program.

To access our Youth Foyers a referral is needed from a homelessness access point

For more information, please contact Melbourne Youth Support Service on 03 9614 3688.

Out-of-home care

A child or young person is placed in out-of-home care when they can no longer live in their family home.

MCM provides accommodation and support to young people reuniting with their families or transitioning to independence, as well as assisting those young people who are leaving care.

Independent and lead tenant accommodation

MCM’s supported accommodation is located in the northern and western regions of Melbourne. It's available for people aged 15 to 18 who are transitioning from out-of-home care to independent and lead tenant accommodation.

Through the Community Integration and Accommodation Options (CIAO), we provide housing, and support from lead tenants and dedicated case workers to assist young people to:

  • develop their skills toward independent living
  • actively participate in the community
  • grow and develop in a safe and nurturing environment
  • develop positive relationships with families, peers and the wider community

Referrals to this service are made by the Placement Co-ordination Unit at the Department of Human Services.

For further information on CIAO, please call 03 8486 2111 or email CIAO.

MCM also provides other out-of-home and leaving care services, including:

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