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Renae, Sean, AFLW Sleep at the 'G

We Have The Power: MCM launched Sleep At The 'G 2024 to address youth homelessness

29 February 2024

Now in its 11th year, the highly anticipated MCM Sleep At The 'G event, launched at the iconic Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) on 29 February, is set to take place on Thursday, 16 May.

2 profile cutouts with housing shapes cut from the profiles

Failure to deliver 500 housing places is hurting young people

26 February 2024

House prices and unaffordable and rental costs are increasingly out of reach for young people, placing them at the pinnacle of risk in mental illness and homelessness

series of photos of the palliative care team

Marked Achievement in Accreditation Survey

7 December 2023

The MCM Palliative Care Team recently underwent their 2-day accreditation assessment as part of the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS) organisation wide survey, to confirm reaccreditation for the next 4 years.

photos of gardeners at the veggie patch

The Veggie Empire

30 November 2023

The Veggie Empire is a creation of farming duo, Scott and Josh, who live with intellectual disabilities and have been involved with our disability support services for a number of years.

mcm vu logos

VU and MCM support ECIS in Melbourne's West

22 November 2023

An agreement between Victoria University (VU) and Melbourne City Mission (MCM) has resulted in a new Early Childhood Intervention Service (ECIS) centre, located at VU’s St Albans campus.

Launch of National Youth Housing Framework

15 November 2023

Advocates call for 15,000 new homes for children and young people in response to new analysis showing social housing system failing 15-24 year-olds.

Group of people at the MCM Bendigo Art Show

MCM art show: a weekend of celebration, recognition and inclusion

13 November 2023

Our Bendigo art show featured the incredible works of individuals who are connected through MCM support coordination services.

green background. white text. "Proud to be an inclusive employer"

MCM Group achieves Inclusive Employer status

6 November 2023

It’s Inclusion at Work Week (6 – 10 November) and what better way to celebrate than to share MCM’s achievement in receiving Inclusive Employer Status for 2023-2024!

Katherine Kingsbury

Vale Katherine Kingsbury OAM

24 October 2023

Katherine Kingsbury OAM was a pioneer of palliative care in Victoria.

MCM OT week. Green background with a photo of OT staff.

Celebrating OT Week 2023: United for Your Child's Development

23 October 2023

Celebrating the great work of the Occupational Therapists (OTs) in our Early Childhood Intervention team

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